Underfloor Plenum Cleaning

Underfloor Plenum Cleaning@dminNovember 9, 2024December 10, 2024

Underfloor Plenum Cleaning

Flexi’s underfloor plenum cleaning removes dust and debris from the underfloor air distribution space, ensuring unobstructed airflow and optimal cooling efficiency. This service can improve cooling performance by up to 30%, resulting in significant energy savings and enhanced system reliability.

  • Unobstructed Airflow: Ensures optimal airflow by removing dust and debris from the underfloor plenum.
  • Improved Cooling Efficiency: Enhances cooling performance by up to 30%, leading to better system efficiency.
  • Energy Savings: Results in significant energy savings through improved cooling efficiency.
  • System Reliability: Reduces the risk of system failures due to blocked airflow.
  • Enhanced Performance: Maintains the effectiveness of underfloor air distribution systems.