FLEXI Showcases Underfloor Air Distribution at Manufacturers Meet organized by ISHRAE Mumbai Chapter
Mumbai, India – December 6, 2024 – FLEXI, a leading provider of innovative building solutions, successfully participated in the recent ISHRAE Mumbai Chapter 2024 event held at the Jio World Centre in BKC.
The event commenced with a captivating keynote address by Mr. Ashish Rakheja, who shared his insightful perspectives on the megatrends that will shape the future of the construction industry in the coming years. Followed by other distinguished speakers from across the industry, who presented their valuable insights and expertise with a focus on innovation and sustainability.
FLEXI showcased its Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) system at its dedicated stall with a compelling demonstration of the working model. The interactive display featured a captivating mockup complete with a raised floor and various types of diffusers placed, offering attendees a tangible understanding of the system’s functionality and benefits.
UFAD systems offer numerous advantages, including enhanced energy efficiency, improved indoor air quality, increased flexibility in space utilization, and a more comfortable and productive working environment. FLEXI’s expertise in designing and implementing these systems has made them a preferred choice for businesses seeking advanced climate control solutions.
The ISHRAE Mumbai Chapter event provided a valuable platform for FLEXI to connect with industry professionals, architects, engineers, and consultants. The company’s presence at the event highlighted its commitment to advancing sustainable and innovative building technologies.